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Home Learning

Everyone has some Home Learning Tasks to complete on a weekly basis. 

Children in Years 1 and 2 use Doodle Maths, they have spellings to learn, daily reading and sometimes an additional task.

Children in Year 3 have White Rose Maths learning journals, spellings, reading and tasks from the topic grid.

Children in Year 4 have Times Table Rock Stars, White Rose Maths learning journals, spellings, reading and tasks from the topic grid. 

Children in Year 5 and 6 have Times Table Rock Stars, White Rose Maths learning journals, grammar, spellings, reading and tasks from the topic grid.

The children may be asked to use specific programs on-line for their Home Learning.  For example, in Key Stage 1 the children use Doodle Maths.  In Years 4 - 6 they use Times Table Rockstars.  Children in Year 6 use  All these programs require log-ins which your child's teacher will provide. You can click on the links below to go to each site. 

We use Google Classrooms to post our home learning on a weekly basis, such as spellings to learn. 

Children in Key Stage 2 enter the Times Table Challenge weekly.   Children who have moved up in the Times Table challenge are acknowledged each week in our Celebration worship on a Friday. The sheets included here are for practice. 

Times Table Challenge