School Day
Early Years and Key Stage 1
The school gate opens at 8:45 am in time for children to arrive in their class for the register at 9:00am.
The School Day starts at 9:00 am
Lunchtime is 11:45am to 12:45pm for Early Years
Lunchtime is 12:00pm – 1:00 pm for Key Stage 1
School Ends at 3:30pm
Children have a 15 minute break in the morning and a 10 minute break in the afternoon.
Key Stage 2
The school gate opens at 8:45 am in time for children to arrive in their class for the register at 9:00am.
The School Day starts at 9:00 am
Lunchtime is 12:30pm – 1:30 pm
School Ends at 3:30pm
Children in Key Stage 2 have a 15 minute break in the morning.
Collective Worship
Monday: 10:10am with the Head Teacher
Tuesday: 10:10am with visiting clergy or member of the SLT
Wednesday: 10:10am singing with Mrs Spencer
Thursday: 10:10am Class worship in the classroom with the class teacher
Friday: 9:10am Celebration