Personal Development
Our school values of love, courage and respect are understood by all and thread through daily school life. As a consequence children have respectful, trusting relationships with staff which creates a solid foundation for children's personal development. Personal development is both incidental and planned within all of our curriculum. There is particular emphasis within our PSHE, RE and Collective worship programmes for the spiritual and cultural development of our children. Our RE is planned and delivered coherently. Our PSHE curriculum is based on the guidance provided by the PSHE Association which also encompasses mental health and well-being lessons.
Our Relationships Education (RSE) is taught as part of our PSHE programme. Relationships education teaches children about the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity. Our programme of lessons is taught throughout the year.
Emotional wellbeing, and good physical and mental health are essential to children's development. At Whitchurch Primary School, we aim to foster and strengthen our children’s emotional intelligence and resilience using our school values in daily school life, through assemblies and within the PSHE Curriculum.
As part of our PSHE programme, and myHappymind, our children are taught discrete lessons in identifying and improving aspects of their mental health. Our collective worship programme also includes a series of assemblies that discuss and support mental health topics.
In addition to our programme of study we provide strong pastoral support for our children. Children are encouraged to share worries or concerns with our staff at any time. If they feel unable to start a conversation, we have a 'worry box' which children can post questions or ask to speak to an adult.