Together we make a difference
The governors are a team of 14 volunteers from our community, who have a vital and demanding role that requires a wide range of skills and professionalism. The Governing Body is accountable to Ofsted for its effectiveness. There are several types of governor within our school.
What is the Governors’ Role?
The role of the Governing Body is to provide non-executive leadership and is similar to the board of trustees of a charity. The Governing Body operates at a strategic level, with the Head Teacher and senior school leadership team remaining accountable to the governors for the operational management of the school. Each governor serves for a term of four years. The Whole Governing Body usually meets three times a term. The meeting may have a Resources/Finance focus or Curriculum. Governors bring a wealth of experience and knowledge but will also be expected to attend relevant training courses to fulfil their duties. Additionally governors will make pre-arranged monitoring visits to the schoolaround once or twice a term, and share a report of their visit at the following meeting. Most governors spend around 20 hours per term performing governor duties.
A clear understanding of, and distinction between, the role of the Governing Body and the Head Teacher is crucial to effective governance.
The Governing Body of Whitchurch C of E Primary School focuses on three core functions:
If you need to contact the Governors you can do so via the school office or by emailing the clerk directly (in confidence if required)